book with us
Notes regarding in-person and telehealth appointments:
A standard appointment is allocated 15 minutes. Long appointments are available if you feel more time will be required, such as for multiple issues, multi-country vaccinations and initial Mental Health Plans for psychology referrals under Medicare.
Our doctors always endeavour to run on time. Please understand that if there is a delay, it is usually due to unexpected complexity in preceding consultations.
Make an appointment now! Just use the portal below to choose your preferred practitioner and time. You can also download our booking App (search HotDoc in your App/Play store and select Prahran East Medical Centre) or call us.
NB/ A $15 surcharge applies on Saturdays and after 5pm weekdays, further surcharge on Public Holidays, with no discounts available. A $25 fee applies for missed standard appointments or cancellation with less than 4 hours notice.
Nothing available? Reserved appointments are opened up each morning for acute problems. If no online appointments are available for an urgent problem, please phone reception to discuss it. We can usually see urgent cases even when we're fully booked.
New Patients: please arrive 15 minutes early, or save time and download our New Patient Registration Form to fill out and bring to the clinic - click here
contact us
Phone: (03) 9510-8888
Fax: (03) 9510-2666
Post: 400 High St, Prahran Vic 3181
Email - non-urgent issues for our reception: kindly use the form.
PLEASE NOTE that requests for your doctor, such as health-related questions, test results, referrals and prescriptions require an appointment, for your privacy and safety.
Appointments cannot be cancelled by email.
find us
400 High St, Prahran.
From Prahran Midnight Pharmacy on the corner of High St & Williams Rd, we are 50 metres west towards Chapel St.
Free parking is available along High Street (before 4.30pm) and local side streets.
The no. 6 tram runs along High Street and bus routes 216 and 219 stop at the corner of High & Williams. The Armadale, Prahran and Windsor railway stations are all a 15 minute walk (or short tram ride along High St) away.
Excellence. ​Empathy.. Every Encounter.